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Netnografya Aratrmalarn Uygulama Sreci Netnografya akland zere etnografya metodundan adapte edilmitir. Spencer was the protector of personalitys rights and individualist in politics. It should be noted that a gradual diminution of the amount of kibytsy takes place nowadays. Kozinets a: katlmclarn sanal ortamdaki takma isimlerine en az gerek isimleri kadar deer verdiklerini unutmamann ve bu balamda takma isimleri aa karmamann nemini hatrlatmaktadr. The laws in the Utopia prescribed the common duty to work for everybody, to organize the social production and fair distribution of life facilities produced among the families of the Utopists. Netnografyay profesyonel dnyada nemli klan ikinci sebep ise bilgisayar teknolojisi sayesinde evrimii topluluklarda aktif olan tketicilerin, zevkleri, arzular ve dier ihtiyalarnn anlalmas yolu ile hedef kitleyle birebir rten pazarlama iletiimi almalar iin olanaklar sunmasnda yatmaktadr Kozinets, The civilization zone was a kind of a city state organization, and thats why it was the highest form of existence. It can be displayed as an obligatory mutual aid under natural disasters, cult community, communal property, joint meal in ceremonial welcome. Socialists think that if the wishful living conditions are created, people will become personification of virtues. These rules, indeed, dont cancel the justice of Marxist formula that a person is a whole of social relations. Spencer systematized socialistic and liberal idears in XIX th century. Kozinets tarafndan gelitirilmitir Beckmann ve Langer, We speak on a special spirit, which distinguishes one nation from another and gives the qualities which are characteristics only of this society. Another advantage of social collectivism is that it destroys personal individuals appearance, which condemns them to mental loneliness, and organizes people in a certain mental unity. Netnografya metodunda trde veriden bahsedilmektedir. Ortak temalarda sanat, diyet, mzik, meslekler, oyuncaklar, eitim hizmetleri, hobiler, vb. So, there is no country in the world, which will be insured against the social regime. Therefore, a person may be deprived of active creativity under difficult life circumstances, which are also caused by social conditions. Khomyakov supposes that only common people in comparison to the privileged stratum keep mental character and moral peculiarities of nation. The problem of peoples existence historical form and the length of its period define the character and mental qualities of nation. The Study of Sociology, L. Slavophiles tender emotions on integral communal personality seem to be the idealization of patriarchal, mentally retarded, uncultivated personality, who is suppressed by a group, everybodys egalitarianism, economical exploitation. Thus, there were communal relations and predominance of related origin: the community successfully kept itself but didnt develop in moral and will sense. Secondly, love is a factor which provides for the unity of the whole mankind to realize the process of perception in sense of patrimonial process, i. The idea about a possibility of changing state regime at the expense of energetic peoples activity began to spread in our country, on the contrary to Spencers statements. Thanks to the ideological ideas about states passing away Bolsheviks organized roughly repressive staff, which suppressed many personal rights, to govern the country, and Spencers gloomy prognosis, unfortunately, came true. Khomyakov placed great historical mission on a rural community. Khomyakov supposes that the imperfection of a community is in lack of enlightener origin, education in its west meaning, imperfect understanding of Orthodoxy by the most of Russians and lack of consciousness in every Russian citizen. The fact that the peasants question arose in the beginning of the XX-th century and couldnt be solved for a long time indicates the forced retention of peasants in the community. But it doesnt necessarily lead to the socialism, for which the factors of higher economical level and density of population are rather important. This historical fact has made us to turn to social-and-psychological conditions of society and its character organization due to which we get just the order we get but not any other one. Metodunun giri, veri toplama ve analizi, gvenilir yorumlama, etik aratrma ve ye kontrolleri olmak zere be aamas bulunmaktadr. It depends on how and where they are stated. This nation is mostly common, and it doesnt have political ambition or tendency to occupy something or somebody..

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