To browse Academia. Professor Richard Falk who worked as United Nations special rapporteur on Palestinian human rights in an interview stated that the journalists who report the conflict factually are accused of bias, whereas pro-Israel bias is perceived as a mainstream media coverage. The selection of certain words and the use of loaded language display this biased coverage in Western media. Based on this argument, this study aims to examine the coverage of the Arab- Israeli conflict in two newspapers—the New York Times, the Guardian — through content analysis methodology. The loaded language in Western media often demonizes Arabs in several news stories. The media coverage of certain international conflicts like that of Arab-Israeli conflict may intentionally or unintentionally be distorted and biased due to the journalists' ideology, national affiliation, or their attachment to anti-Semitism or anti-Arabism. Following Falk's statement, it can be said that the representation of Arab-Israeli conflict in Western media has never been far from partisan reporting and biased coverage. The terms like "disputed territories" versus "occupied territories" reflect the different positions on the legal status of Gaza Strip and West Bank. This difference is also obvious in the usage of the terms such as "terrorist" versus "freedom fighter". Following Mearsheimer and Waltz, this study argues that the "terminology bias" is a major feature of Western media's coverage of the conflict. Based on this argument, this study aims to examine the coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict in two newspapers-the New York Times, the Guardian-through content analysis methodology. The current study aims to investigate the role of the news media within the Israel-Palestine conflict. It is based on a total sample of articles, covering three specific events, taken from a range of Israeli and Palestinian news publications. After reading all articles published on each event for each news outlet, the articles were categorized into different themes. The theme that appeared most prominent throughout the coverage was then chosen and posited as a lens through which to analyze the coverage from. In doing so, the analysis could be more focused on issues that proved to be the most salient across the news publications in question. Through qualitative analysis of headlines, content and other features, this investigation seeks to identify points of ideological focus and political orientation, embedded within the language and the plethora of editing choices journalists and editors make in the process of news production. Conflicting Truths in Academic and Journalistic Writing, Framing refers to selecting a certain side of a topic and making it primary by influencing the audience through the activation of their schema networks. This contribution compares framing devices used in American, Arab-speaking, Israeli and Palestinian online reports on the Israel-Palestine conflict. My comparative analysis is based on the analysis of a small corpus of 22 online reports That is why it is necessary to explore specific framing devices revealing possible contrastive perspectives and biases in the four selected contexts. The results of the qualitative analysis indicate that Israel and Palestine present totally contrastive perspectives in the usage of lexical choices terror vs. Keywords: media framing, online journals, lexical choice, Israel, Palestine, US. Various authors on the media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Video Strip Poker Supreme Winter 2010 Eng Multi assert that it is biased and unbalanced. This study focuses on the representation of the First and Second Intifada in Flemish daily newspapers. It combines a content analysis with in-depth interviews with journalists to investigate any imbalance and bias in favour of the Israeli point of view. The results reveal a certain evolution and some divergence in the coverage of the two Intifadas. The study shows that while some variables are in favour of the Israeli point of view, others clearly reflect the Palestinian perspective. The study therefore does not support the hypothesis of a pro-Israeli bias in Flemish daily newspapers. They are found to cover the First and Second Intifada in a rather balanced way, in contrast to the conclusions reached by other international studies on the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This study focuses on the representation of the First and Second Intifadain Flemish daily newspapers. It combines a content analysis with in-depth interviews with journal-ists to investigate any imbalance and bias Video Strip Poker Supreme Winter 2010 Eng Multi favour of the Israeli point of view. The results reveal acertain evolution and some divergence in the coverage of the two Intifadas. The study therefore does not support the hypothesis of a pro-Israeli bias in Flemishdaily newspapers. A large body of CDA research focuses on issues such as media bias, social representation of actors and the presence of racism within news broadcasting.
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